
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

CSCOPE Social Studies Review Website

I used CSCOPE for one year while teaching 8th grade US History. I absolutely hated the entire CSCOPE process. Do not let my feelings get in the way of forming your own opinion. If you are interested in learning more about CSCOPE, this website will take you to the reviews created by the Ad Hoc committee. The website states that the reviews are intended as a resource and that they hope it will benefit those interested in improving Texas education.

The website reviewed the lessons that were posted to The Texas Tribune. The lessons were reviewed because the lessons were perceived to support a "liberal, anti-American agenda". I'm not sure if the activists mean that liberal is synonymous with being anti-American. I do not think that CSCOPE is anti-American, but that many districts throughout the state wasted money on a bad curriculum.