
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Should Tasers and Pepper Spray be used on Kids?

Groups Urge TEA to Ban Use of Tasers, Spray in Schools

An interesting article in the Texas Tribune.

Interest groups are asking the Texas Education Agency to look to federal guidelines that “schools choosing to use school-based law enforcement officers should carefully ensure that these officers’ roles are focused on protecting the physical safety of the school or preventing the criminal conduct of persons other than students."

The school-based law enforcement officers are not there solely to protect students from outside criminal conduct. In many schools, the officers work to prevent student criminal conduct and to protect students from each other. There were students that would roam the halls that I was genuinely afraid of, and I was happy to know that the officers were in the hallways. Maybe the use of tasers and pepper spray on students is an issue. However, if an officer uses pepper spray on a student that presents a threat to the school then he is doing is job and should be thanked for keeping the teachers and students safe.